Learn the art of self care

Staff Development and Professional Services will hold a noontime brown bag April 19 on the Art of Self Care. In this workshop, one will learn techniques such as self-massage, breathing awareness, how to concentrate better and achieve a strong mental focus. In addition, you will learn about pressure points in the body and how to use them to relieve pain and stress.

The instructor is Tina Pitts, and the location is the Cabernet Room, North Silo.

Take your children to work

Employees' sons and daughters are invited to come to work with the parents on April 26, National Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day, or TODS.

Besides seeing what their parents do, children will have the opportunity to take in a variety of activities in departments around campus. In some cases, those activities are likely to be the same ones that departments shared with the public on Picnic Day. That saves departments from having to prepare new workshops, presentations, lectures, etc.

"Most of the focus is on children ages 8 to 12, although this year we are expanding to include young teens," said Barbara Ashby, Work-Life manager. Activities can be offered on a drop-in basis, or they can be formal and scheduled. Interested departments are asked to contact project coordinator Paula Shimada in the Work-Life unit, at (530) 752-2280 or pdshimada@ucdavis.edu.

Campus blood drive set

°ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Blood and Marrow Drives will take place at Freeborn Hall from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 24-25. Donating blood takes about an hour. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent) and be in good health. The blood drive is operated by BloodSource in Sacramento. BloodSource provides life-saving services to millions of people in 25 counties throughout Northern and Central California. To learn more, visit www.bloodsource.org or call Angela Tarricone at (800) 995-4420.

Power outages continue

Planned power outages were scheduled to continue one day this week and three more days this month in conjunction with an upgrade of the main campus's electrical substation. The work schedule calls for outages in every building on campus for one to five minutes, one time only per building, mostly during regular business hours.

The first outages occurred April 6, and "everything went perfect," said Karen Williams, customer service manager for Facilities Operations & Maintenance. The next outages were set for April 11, and after that for April 16, 20 and 26.

The Facilities Operations & Maintenance Web site offers more information, plus a schedule that will tell you exactly when your building is due to go offline. The Web address is http://facilities.ucdavis.edu.

Soaring to New Heights

A celebration of diversity, the 15th annual Soaring to New Heights, will be held from 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 17 in Freeborn Hall. It will include multicultural entertainment and an international buffet, as well as table displays by campus constituent groups.

For more information, visit http://occr.ucdavis.edu/soaring.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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