Coffee House Cookbook: 1986

Cover of Coffee House Cookbook, reprint of 1986 edition
Cover of Coffee House Cookbook, reprint of 1986 edition

Updated March 5, 2024: The 1986 Coffee House cookbook is out of print and is no longer sold at °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Stores.

Remember this Coffee House cookbook from 1986? Reprints are being sold at the bookstore for $19.99. Sharon Coulson, Coffee House director, said she expects a 40th anniversary volume to be published within the year, containing recipes from the CoHo’s first and second cookbooks, along with some new recipes. For three CoHo recipes: .

Read more about the Coffee House and its upcoming remodeling project.


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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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