Name changes in works

Two name changes are in the works:

McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center — The proposed new name is McClellan Nuclear Research Center, as recommended by Vice Chancellor Barry Klein, who heads the Office of Research. “The mission of MNRC is the development of neutron technology for educational, research and commercial applications,” Klein said in a letter to the Office of Resource Management and Planning. “Renaming this central facility to the McClellan Nuclear Research Center would better focus on the research mission.”

Campus Events and Visitor Services — The proposed new name is Conference and Event Services, reflecting the transfer of visitor services to other units. Visitor tours are now the responsibility of Undergraduate Admissions, while campus maps are now the responsibility of the Office of Resource Management and Planning.

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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