Wellness Portal leads to all kinds of resources

The Mind Body Wellness Group has launched the Ƶ Wellness Portal, an online resource for students, staff, faculty, retirees and other people in the community.

The free portal — — connects you to campus and community resources, and other Web resources as well, all associated with seven realms of wellness: emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual.

The site offers a page for each realm, or you can search under the “students” tab or the “staff and faculty” tab.

For example, if you click on staff and faculty “occupational wellness,” you will see links for the Academic and Staff Assistance Program, Workplace Flexibility, Child Care, Elder and Adult Day Care, and Mediation Services, among others.

Look under “physical wellness,” and you will find a number of subcategories, including Ergonomics and Stretching, Nutrition, Stress and Relaxation, and Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs.

The sponsoring Mind Body Wellness Group comprises staff and students who are interested in enhancing the wellness of students, staff and faculty at Ƶ, and people in the Davis community, too.

Participating organizations include the Academic and Staff Assistance Program, Campus Recreation, Campus Unions, College of Biological Sciences, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Health Services, Employee Health Services, Human Resources (Benefits, Disability Management Services and WorkLife), and the Women’s Resources and Research Center.

Initial funding for the Wellness Portal came from Be Smart About Safety (administered by Safety Services) and Student Health Services.

The Mind Body Wellness Group plans to continue working on the portal, adding resources. People with suggestions are asked to send them by e-mail to wellness@shs.ucdavis.edu.

For more information on the Wellness Portal or the Mind Body Wellness Group, contact the chair, Michelle Johnston, (530) 752-9652, or mjohnston@ucdavis.edu.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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