Graduate Center Content / Graduate Center Content for °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ en Bells to Ring for Grand Opening of Graduate Center at Walker Hall April 8 /news/bells-ring-grand-opening-graduate-center-walker-hall-april-8 The bell-ringing that normally celebrates a grad student’s degree completion, will instead mark the opening of the new Graduate Center. March 29, 2022 - 12:19pm Julia Ann Easley /news/bells-ring-grand-opening-graduate-center-walker-hall-april-8 Renovated Walker Hall Opens to Graduate Students, Undergraduates /news/renovated-walker-hall-opens-graduate-students-undergrads <p class="MsoNormal">The 85-year-old Walker Hall, one of the oldest buildings on campus, is bustling with student life again after a front-to-back renovation, including retrofits for accessibility and seismic safety.</p> October 05, 2021 - 11:27am Dave Jones /news/renovated-walker-hall-opens-graduate-students-undergrads